We offer an outstanding program for children who are 3 years old by September 1.

The curriculum at Columbus Preschool is designed to be developmentally appropriate for 3- and 4-year-olds and is built around units or themes. These provide the framework for art, language, literature, music, science and math activities. The program of activities implemented will be designed to meet each child’s individual needs to encourage growth both socially and intellectually.
Classes meet on either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday from 8:10 to 10:30 a.m. A snack is served every day and is provided by parents on a rotating basis.
At Columbus Preschool, we understand that this might be the first time many children will spend a portion of their day away from parents or trusted caregivers. That is why we strive to make the transition as easy as possible by employing compassionate, loving teachers. Mrs. Hoffman and Mrs. Kauth will work hard to ease your child into a school routine while assuring them that you will come back!
Registration takes place in late winter or early spring, and is on a first come, first served basis. If you would like your child to be placed on a waiting list, please contact us. This doesn't guarantee your child's spot, but it does guarantee that you will receive registration materials and information. Children who attend Columbus Preschool must be toilet trained.
The fee for 3-year-old preschool can be paid one of 3 ways: $800 per year, $400 per semester or $88 monthly. A $75 registration fee is due upon registration.
Typical Class Schedule
60 minutes
Free choice: Art activities, block building, dramatic play, discovery centers, large muscle activities, sensory experiences, etc. During this time, small group and individual instruction takes place.
10 minutes
Clean up and bathroom time.
15 minutes
Circle time: Children will gather as a group on the run for discussion of theme, language development, and finger plays and rhymes.
10 minutes
Story with discussion.
15 minutes
Creative movement and music.
10 minutes
Wrap up and dismissal.

8:10 to 10:30 a.m.